A new year with new leadership - go F5F!
“Maile Hadley brings a direct leadership style to address conflict, Executive Director experience in the area of early childhood, and a unique ability to utilize co-design with families and community to solve complex problems.”
Are We There Yet?
A recap of my interim ED’s road trip with First 5 Fundamentals - read all about it; and look for the new F5F Executive Director announcement coming soon.
Continuing to Connect, Educate, and Impact in 2022 & 2023
2022 Personal Giving and Impact Investing
The landscape of social impact giving is expanding in terms of funding and finance as well as operations and internal structures. What does this look like, and where are opportunities for women to invest in and shape this evolving sphere? How do women philanthropists use our money and our time to drive consumer power? Where can we be influencers?
2023 Lessons We Learned in Philanthropy
Community influencers and fellow Impact 100 Seattle members recently shared personal stories from grantmaking, volunteering, and individual and collective philanthropy. Our sector over these past few years has been tested with sudden shifts and rapid pivots. We've donned new hats strategically to take risks and navigate both planned and unexpected changes. What personal lessons about giving and philanthropy have you taken to heart? What have you embraced to pay forward? What would you like to forget, or do over? How do we support one another in our gifting journeys as leaders and learners?
At Impact 100 Seattle, we envision a world where nonprofits spend time transforming communities, not fundraising.
Each year we continue to grow our membership, deepen relationships, and create meaningful impact for small nonprofits in the Puget Sound Region.
Education and learning is at the heart of this work.
Our Membership is open for 2023 - register here to join or renew.
If your organization is interested in applying for a 2023 grant - please click here.
Why Utilize an Interim Leader?
Reason #1:
They offer a fresh, objective perspective.
Interim leaders are trained to hit the ground running. They understand the steep learning curve, and similar to “first responders,” interim professionals are auspicious, flexible, and composed despite all the uncertainty. An interim executive specializes in facilitating organizations - both staff and volunteers. Please shout out if you, or your team, want more help to:
Solve old problems
Create new visions
Update strategies
Energize supporters
Build internal trust
Cultivate societal input & interest
Content inspired by:
John Crowin (2012) How to Manage Nonprofit Executive Transitions. Webinar
Tim Wolfred (2009) Managing Executive Transitions: A Guide for Nonprofits. Book
…thanks Gage. love ~ML

I cannot thank Gage and its amazing community for all the hard work and love!
Hilltop Artists - Creating Change
Creative education leaders committed to engaging public school students with glass art and toward better futures.
During Covid, while working from home, I had the unique opportunity to collaborate with staff and instructors from Hilltop Artists.
The “big pause” definitely caused issues (How do you teach glass arts without access to your hot shop?) AND yet, it provided teammates time – free from day-to-day student demands – to critically reflect on their work.
Interactive online exercises focused on both opportunities and challenges. Through an inclusive framework we grew individually, and closer, as a learning community. A few collective outcomes resulted in real transformation:
Uncovering individual strengths, shared values, and thinking anew
Discussing leadership roles in relationship to the organizational mission
Creating a data-driven, practical shift to equitable impact including internal Evaluation and Hiring practices
Connect, Educate, and Impact
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Impact 100 Seattle the past two years in a grant making capacity, and as the Education Chair. We’ve offered some poignant education topics and I’m looking forward to more learning in 2022.
A night with author Nancy McSharry Jensen featuring guest panelists - Laurie Litwack, Julie Pham, Elizabeth Geri, and Erin McDonald - Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 7:00 pm.
Pia Infante from the Trust-based Philanthropy Project and the Whitman Institute, will discuss her roles upending inequalities socially and in philanthropy - Tuesday, February 2, 2020 at 7:00 pm.
A candid conversation about white supremacy and charitable giving with Becky Paugh, Nonprofit Consultant & Disrupting Philanthropy - Tuesday, December 8, 2019 at 12:00 pm.
Continuing to make an Impact...
Over the summer, I finally met “in-person” with members of Impact 100 Seattle. This dynamic group of women is putting trust-based philanthropy into action.
I was thrilled to participate on the Grantmaking Team this year. More than 20 members reviewed 57 applications from small, local nonprofits (operating budgets under $2M). The 2021 grant recipients included:
To learn more about the work we do, and ways to get involved with Impact 100, please read this recent article in The Seattle Times by Christy Karras.
My dog fix
Meet Oscar…
We met through this amazing organization called Dogs on Deployment. His human mum is a kick-ass young women deployed for six months to train as a mechanic in the US National Guard. I’m looking forward to time with Oscar - rainy walks and romps in the park - until she returns from her adventure.
Impact 100 Seattle
Over the summer, I joined the Leadership Team for Impact 100 Seattle, a women’s collective giving organization that provides grants to small community-based nonprofits in the Puget Sound region. The organizational mission supports transformative change through trust-based philanthropy, a progressive funding model focused on building relationships and empowering communities.
This is just the second year for the organization. Last year, they successfully raised $100K from 100 women and distributed grants to five local nonprofits:
Impact 100 Seattle is actively recruiting new members for 2021. Please give me a shout out if you’re interested in learning more, or click here for a membership form.
Hilltop Artist - Evaluation Project
Hilltop artists tacoma
I am excited to be partnering with Hilltop Artists in Tacoma as a part of the Community Learning Fund Grant from the Foundation for Tacoma Students (FFTS), in the Data Capacity and Capability Cohort that was established as a part of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation project to accelerate community progress.
I get the pleasure of collaborating with Hilltop Artists’ administrative staff and Teaching Artists to dig deeply and capture data to effectively assess student learning and outcomes.
Hilltop Artists has been around for 26 years, they serves over 650 students each year through their in-school, after-school, and Arts Connect glassblowing programs. Skills-based, hands-on programming - emphasizing creativity, self-expression, and team-building - provides middle and high school students with relevant tools and experiences for future success.